Recipe Box Adventure!

I have always been fascinated by old recipes. I collect antiques and am always scouring the shops looking for old recipe books. I always hunt for a recipe box which actually contains the recipes from the home cook. In all my travels, and all of the recipe boxes that I have looked at, I have never found one that had the recipes contained within. On a recent trip to Texas, I found such a box! It was made in Japan (has the sticker on it) but was sold to its owner in Bruners San Antonio Corpus for $1.00. There was a label in the box written by the shop keeper which said “Purchased in 1950”. It is jam packed with recipes and I decided that it would be fun to include you, my readers, as we explore this recipe box together.

I am also a home cook who has a passion for cooking, food and all things yummy. So, I thought, why not combine my love of cooking, old recipes and exploration in this blog that I could share with my friends?

I’m not sure how many recipes are actually contained in the box, but it could be a couple of hundred which will keep us entertained for many days to come.

Together we will pull one recipe at a time and I will attempt to cook it. I have to admit, I’m not much of a baker but will give it my very best effort. I hope that in exploring these recipes we can keep history alive and cookin’!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hi to you on this, again, snowy Sunday! (Will it ever end?!) The next recipe in the box uses an ingredient that I wasn't able to find this week, so I thought I would just write about what was on my mind.

After watching a new show from the Food Network, I found myself really perturbed.  I am so sick and tired of hearing celebrity chefs talk about how much they love junk food but they only weigh a size 1 or 2.  Really people?  "Oh, I just love to eat pizza, pizza, pizza"!  Yeah, right.  If they are eating the amount of junk food that they say that they are, they must be working out 2-3 hours a day if not more.  It's so duplicitous of them to think that we, the viewers, are so stupid to actually believe those statements.  They try to act like they are just the typical american food eater but it's just so ridiculous and saying it, doesn't make it so.

Maybe I'm wrong?  I've been wrong before.  Maybe these supposed Junk Food Junkie Celebrity Chefs do watch the Super Bowl eating gobs of Wings, chips, dips and other wonderful junk food.  And, then go on to eat more of it the next day... and then, go to work out for hours at a time (because they can afford personal trainers).

When someone looks very, very thin on tv (and supposedly tv adds 10 pounds to the way you look), you can only imagine how thin they really are.  Is there a -2 size?

I think my main point with all of this is that when very thin people say that they love junk food it makes the rest of us (who really like junk food or just are occasional bingers) think "what is wrong with me?" because we are not size 1's or 2's.  She or he can eat crap and still look great.  Again, very disingenuous.

I kind of started out liking this new show but, after watching this weekend, I think I'm done.  The whole thing seems forced and canned and I don't believe that the four of them actually like one another.  Two other things really bugged me as well.  At the end of the show they do a "what am I into" and "what am I over"? One of them stated that she wished the moms wouldn't put plastic water bottles in their kids lunch box and that it is wasteful (seemed very angry about this issue).  Again, really?  If I want to put a plastic water bottle in my kids lunch box, who are you to lecture to me about it?
Another one of them stated that he was into going to 'Old Diners' and eating diner food with his family. How many 'Old Diners' are even around anymore and I would venture to say that there are few in downtown Manhattan.  Paleese!

Again, my advice would be to stop pandering to who they think "the average american" is.  Get your demographic straight for your show and above all honest with your viewers.

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