Recipe Box Adventure!

I have always been fascinated by old recipes. I collect antiques and am always scouring the shops looking for old recipe books. I always hunt for a recipe box which actually contains the recipes from the home cook. In all my travels, and all of the recipe boxes that I have looked at, I have never found one that had the recipes contained within. On a recent trip to Texas, I found such a box! It was made in Japan (has the sticker on it) but was sold to its owner in Bruners San Antonio Corpus for $1.00. There was a label in the box written by the shop keeper which said “Purchased in 1950”. It is jam packed with recipes and I decided that it would be fun to include you, my readers, as we explore this recipe box together.

I am also a home cook who has a passion for cooking, food and all things yummy. So, I thought, why not combine my love of cooking, old recipes and exploration in this blog that I could share with my friends?

I’m not sure how many recipes are actually contained in the box, but it could be a couple of hundred which will keep us entertained for many days to come.

Together we will pull one recipe at a time and I will attempt to cook it. I have to admit, I’m not much of a baker but will give it my very best effort. I hope that in exploring these recipes we can keep history alive and cookin’!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day!!!  

Recipe Box- Recipe  #15

Newspaper Article titled "Hardy Ipomoea Batata is Indispensable"

Huh?  What the heck is a Ipomoea Batata?  I have no idea. 

Those of you who have been reading my blog from the beginning know that we find other things in the recipe box other than recipes.  This is another example.

When I pull these little clippings out of the box and unfold them, I feel as though I'm the first one to look at these important items in a very, very long time.  I feel honored to be looking at these items and sharing them with you, my reader.  I want to give the past owner of this little gem of a recipe box all of the respect which is due. 

So...back to the Ipomoea Batata.  The article says that this is a vegetable which looks like a Morning Glory (I do know what those look like and they are beautiful!).  It also says that this veggie loves HOT weather.  So in Kansas won't be growing them.  :-(

The article also says that this vegetable was the most important, single food in bringing Americans through such trying times as the American Revolution, The War between the States and Reconstruction.  During such times, it was said to be the "indispensable vegetable".  Who knew?

Okay, so basically we are talking about the sweet potato.  Yum.  I love all things sweet potato. 

It also goes on to say that Texas ranks about 4th in production of this vegetable delicacy (humm I don't really think of sweet potatoes as a delicacy) because of a small weevil insect.  (Maybe I can find a gummy weevil?)

See ya next recipe!!   

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